Re: [HSS] water pump wrote:

> Hello once again

> Could someone please tell me what is "hard grease" for the water pump

> on my 1927 Hudson and what would I replace it with now ?

> thank you


> John T


John, many years ago one was able to buy small tins of water pump

grease, which was a sodium soap based grease which did not soften in hot

water. Unfortunately in these days of permantely sealed

maintenance-free water pumps, this product is no longer easily

obtainable. However, in my opinion it is actually not needed in Hudson

water pumps in any case. You will not in your '27 Hudson that there

is no provision for lubricating the front bushing anyway, so why bother

with the back one. As mentioned in previous emails, I use graphite

string packing with a smear of moly-slip for the packing, and I also put

a pint of soluble oil in the radiator (as used in lathes, ginders, etc),

and in 30 years of motoring a super six have no occasions of the water

pump bushings wearing. The soluble oil in the water is enough to

keep the bushings lubricated. Probably this is not needed at all, as

most Hudsons run without this, and never get grease in the water punp.

However, I know of one instance where a car was driven in and out of the

garage several times without water in the system, and the water pump

shaft seized on to the bronze bushing, so this proves the theory in my

opinion, that water is enough. I think actually that a good long

packing of graphite string acts as more of a bearing than the actual


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