Grease Job

Attachments :
    Saturday Big Jim Headley and myself spent a lovely warm SoCal day

    greasing the '26 Hudson. I reckoned it would be a 2 hour job, but knowing the

    way that these jobs progress it seemed that it would be wise to budget some

    extra time. That turned out to be fortuitous!

    A friend offered use of his lube rack for the project and that offered a

    chance to have a good long inspection of the vehicle. I have been under the

    car before, but always on my back with specific work to do, hardly conducive

    to having an observant look around.

    Judging by the hardened grease forced out hear and there by the gun, it

    would look like this car has seen no lube in 30 years and in some areas

    probably much longer than that! I found a few fittings (in areas that only a

    Super Six knowledgeable fellow might guess to look) that still had some old

    Alemite fittings. I would have to guess that these were installed in the late

    twenties or early thirties. After that time the Zerks were much more common.

    We pulled the front wheels and cleaned and regreased the bearings. The

    hubs and bearings looked fine and I now have more confidence in them. The

    kingpins are terribly worn.

    The U-Joints took the most enormous about of grease and after pumping for

    what seemed an eternity, we gave up. Some is in there, but I never did see

    the dust covers move out slightly confirming the cavities are full. I could

    smell a little grease on the exhaust pipe later on so I'm happy with the

    amount we put in.

    There is a binding in the steering that still has to be addressed. The

    box has a Zerk instead of the pipe plug so it seems likely that somebody

    greased the box at some time, but I will see if adding some of the Penrite

    steering box lube might help. It might also be possible that someone adjusted

    up the steering box and got the adjustment too tight. I reckon we'll have to

    check that too!

    A pic of the belly (the car's not Headley's or mine) is attached and I'll

    post a few more over the rest of the week.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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