Pasadena Post-Christmas Old-Car Rally

There's a considerable tradition in Pasadena, CA for a tour of the city

by old (pre-'33) cars. I decided to join the fun this year in my '29

Town Sedan, even though it's far from totally restored. it's quite a

gathering. There were about 200 cars present, not counting a few

hod-rodded and post-'32 interlopers. There were also about half a dozen

old motorcycles. The tour winds its way for about 30 miles in and

around Pasadena, including up and down side streets of neighborhoods

with early 20th century housing stock (mine included!)

I didn't see any other Hudsons in this event, although there was a

nicely restored dark green 1919 Essex from La Habra, CA. I never got a

chance to talk with the owners.

Jay Leno showed up, as he usually does, driving one of his Stutz racing

cars. With that face of his, he's a very recognizable guy.

I also talked a bit with Dick Messer, Director of the Peterson

Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. He said -- to my surprise -- that

among the 250 cars in the Peterson collection, they have not a single

Hudson product! He said he's a big fan of Hudsons, though mostly the

Stepdown series. I asked him why they hadn't acquired any Hudsons for

the collection, given the importance of the marque in automotive

history. He said almost all their cars are donated by owners, not

acquired, and that nobody had ever offered a Hudson. If nobody in your

family wants your old Hudson, you might want to think of donating it to

the Peterson Museum some time. You can take a tax writeoff for the

appraised value, which with a good appraisal can be worth almost as much

as an open market sale.

All in all, lots of fun. May be next year we can get more Hudson

representation. It's the first Sunday after Christmas. Everyone gathers

at 9 a.m. at the IHOP restaurant at the corner of Rosemead and Foothill

Blvd. in East Pasadena...take the 210 Northbound exit at Rosemead if

you're coming on the freeway.


Lew Phelps

Pasadena, CA

1929 Hudson Town Sedan
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