Re: [HSS] Fw: Panamanian presidential cars

Enrique Zarak wrote:




> Hi Hudson Club: I am member of HET Club for many years, and owner of

> one Hudson Phaeton 1928, Super Six, made by Biddle & Smart. I am

> enclosing a old photo, taken outside of The Panama Presidencial House

> ( call "Palacio de las Garzas or Heron's Palace" ) sirca 1925 or 1926

> ?, When Mr. Roberto Chiari ( 1924 - 1928 ) was a President of The

> Republic of Panama. Also you can see the Panama's Seal on the front of

> the building. Maybe any of you can detail the exact year of those

> Hudson cars showing in the photo ?. The car in the center with the

> panamanian flag was the Panama's Presidential car.




> Enrique


Great photo, Enrique! These are all either 1924 or 1925 Hudsons.

There is no difference that I am aware of between these two years.

1926 models, had nickle plated radiator shells.

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