Peter Ransom wrote:

> A few days ago John Meadows kindly sent me a copy of a local (Victoria,

> Australia) HET newsletter dated March 1982. The front and back covers

> featured my old '29 Landau and inside was an article written by the guy to

> whom I'd sold it. I'm not sure whether Jeff (the author) is still alive,

> but I'm sure he won't mind if I make a few observations.


> In his article Jeff states that he purchased the car from me in 1965, but it

> was actually 1963 - maybe that's a typo. I sold the H. to buy a '34 Packard

> 1100 Sedan. Nice car, too.


> Although the line drawings and photos in the magazine show no landau irons -

> and one caption calls it a Club Sedan - it was definitely a Landau! The

> attached photo shows how it looked. The front bumper had been removed for

> lightness as I was competing (successfully) in a hillclimb that day. Please

> don't ask why I didn't remove the spare - July '63 was a long time ago.


> My guess is that when Jeff replaced the decidedly ratty roof material he

> "forgot" to replace the landau irons. I believe the car is now in South

> Australia - I wonder if the irons are back in place?


> That car was an absolute knockout, not only for motoring fun but for all

> sorts of adololescent activities - horizontal folk dancing is a euphamism

> that comes to mind.............


> As you can guess, it's still too hot to work in the shed so I'm finding new

> ways to waste time!


> Peter R.


This car was indeed in South Australia, and it participated in the 1988

Bi-centennial rally. I understand that when Jeffrey's mother died the

rest of the family bundled him off into a home for the handicapped, and

sold the house and car and all other possessions. I drove the car back

in '78 on club outing to Geelong, whilst I was visiting Melbourne, and

have photos of it. At that stage it was quite unpleasant to drive as

the exhaust flange was leaking badly, and Jeffrey was unable to do any

of the work on it himself. The Vic. club members used to look after it

for him. Just a bit of history!

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