Bosch Distributor Differences

I have been looking for the proper American Bosch Distributor to replace

the Autolite on the '26 Coupe project for better than a year now. Saturday,

through the courtesy of Harold Phillips, a local CIC member and '24 Super Six

Coach owner, that long sought part has been located.

I am very excited as the distributor looked in good condition despite the

cosmetic battering it has taken in it's long life as a low value spare part

on the brutal swap meet circuit. Having gotten it home and cleaned it up,

some curious features have been noted.

1. This distributor has a smooth cast body with two wide metal tags riveted

on. I have bits of another Bosch distributor that has no tags at all. All

info on that unit is cast into the body. The cap clips are also riveted on

rather than cast in. The drive casting at the base is also different. This

"Tagged" distributor looks more expensive, weighs more and is probably

earlier than the "Cast" distributor.

2. The tagged unit has a battered but still elegant bakelite thumbwheel to

hold the low tension wire. It also has a mysterious silver metal thumbwheel

on the opposite side where the cast distributor has only a slot to take the

locating lug on the cap. What is that thumbwheel for?

3. The cast base of the new tagged job is rusty with old rust, but only in

the areas that should have been internal to the engine and should be rust

free due to protection from the oil mist. Is this rust mute testimony to some

ancient tragic mixing of oil and water in the crankcase?

4. I see no obvious way to dismantle the top of the distributor to examine

the bits and replace points and condenser. What's the trick?

To see some pics of the two distributor, go to: Bosch Dis


Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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