Thank yous & more questions

Hi, First I would like to thank Alex, Lew and Paul for there help and

answers to some of my questions. Everything was very helpful. In

answer to some of your questions, the car is a standard sedan with

dual sidemounts and a trunk. The interior looks original with the

exception of the headliner which looks newer but of of the same

material. I live on St Simons Island in Georgia which is half way

between Jacksonville, Fla. and Savannah, Ga.

Since my first message, I have had a chance to look at a few more

things on the car. I have removed and have been cleaning the

carburator. It is amazing what sort of surprises you find when you

start to remove the layers of dirt,etc.. from something. In the case

of my carburator the first surprise came when I touched the bottom of

the carburator and the nut below the low speed nozel broke off in my

hand. Later investigation showed that it had been "glued" back on and

that the hole had been filled with gasket sealant. I can't believe

that it didn't leak. Lew, I thought of your experience with the inlet

connection breaking off because mine has a small section missing. The

next surprise came when I started to clean the bowl section and I

discovered that the bowl cover had been replaced with a piece of

clear plexiglass which was falling apart. The thing was in such bad

shape that I can't even use it for a template to make something new.

Lew, I looked at the photo of your carburator on your web site and it

looks different than mine. Mine looks like the one in the Marvel

Carburator manual that I found on the Hudson Library site. I am

wondering if mine is correct for the year or not? The only numbers I

can find on the bowl body are 65-68 and a small Alemite logo. I can

probably fake a new bowl cover but I might be better off ordering a

new bowl from the guy that you recommended but I am not sure that it

would fit my carb.

I have also taken apart the distributor and I believe that I see

where the ignition switch is supposed to hook up. Does it connect to

the two screws located on the underside of the distributor plate?

As always I am running out of time to finish this message so I will

ask just a few more questions:

Can I bead blast the carb bowl or do I risk it falling apart?

Paul, You mentioned that a Chevy Six condensor would work. Did Chevy

use the same one for a long time or am I looking for a '29 Chevy six?

Can I get one of these from a NAPA place or do I have to find a

vintage Chevy parts place? Do have a part #?

How do I remove the interior door and window handels so that I can

take off the door panel? I do not want to break them so I want to

make sure I know how before I try. Do I need a special tool for this?

I have photos of the car if anyone is interested. I will try to post

them to the site later.

Lew, I will be in contact with you since I definitely would like a

copy of the manual and info that you have on CD.

Thanks again to everyone for their help. Pace
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