Re: [HSS] 29 Super Six Electrical Diagram

Very nice!

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 3:06

Subject: [HSS] 29 Super Six Electrical

I just got a new scanner -- a really nifty, compact Canon
N1214U. It is less than an inch thick, runs off the USB port (no separate
power required) and scans 1200 x 2400 dpi.

To test its capabilities, I
did a new scan of the Hudson Super Six 1929 Electrical Diagram that I have, a
page from the Standard Auto Electrician's Manual. It came out so well that I
posted it to my web site. It's at

you open that link the JPG will load into a new browser frame, and you can
save it to your hard drive. I recommend saving it and then viewing in an imae
viewer program, so you can vary the zoom level. You can print it to a single
8-1/2 x 11 page, but viewing it onscreen at higher zoom level is pretty cool
for viewing details.


Pasadena, CA
1929 Hudson Town
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