Pics Of the Stahl 20 Touring Limo Posted

This past weekend at the Hudson Essex Terraplane Club Western Regional in

Monrovia, I got my first look at Buzz & Pam Stahl's 1920 Hudson Touring

Limousine. For those not familiar with this car, it is an unrestored original

that has only 33,000 miles and has been very well cared for during it's long

life. The car was painted back in 1979 and has been repaired through the

years, but mostly it is as it was when new.

What is original here? While the paint while new, is in the original

colors and in the original nitrocellulose lacquer. Modern paints have a

different look that is almost a wet look. Outwardly, this Hudson looks much

as it did 82 years ago. The interior is almost completely original. The

headliner, rope hat rack, seats, silk privacy blinds, door and side panels

and even the carpets are as they were when Biddle and Smart installed so long

ago. Areas with high sun have some visible fading and the carpet has

threadbare areas, but mostly riding in this car is like riding in a new car.

The engine compartment is another gem, in the proper black, with bare AL

crancase. The wiring has the correct fittings and is made of the correct

cotton insulated wire. It may even be original although this would seem

unlikely. Don't miss the coil, a very, very rare item. Even the fan belt is

of leather and in the original style.

I shot a pile of pics, and selected 50 of them for posting to the Hudson

Super Six 16-29 list home page. Yahoo has a fairly new feature which I have

used here for the first time. It is the PHOTOS section. This section allows

us 30 megabytes of space and offers thumbnail views of the pics. You loose a

little control of the image, but for web use this hardly matters, and the

tradeoff seems a good one.

To view the pics, go to the HSS List home page and click on the PHOTOS

button on the left side of your screen. That address in below in my sig line.

Immediately below is the direct link for those of you able to use it.




Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

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