Pops 29 Coupe Has a Little Something Extra . . .

In a message dated 8/29/02 5:50:58 PM, springspeeddemon@aol.com writes:

<< Dad trailered the '29 to the national. The car is looking great. You know,

every time I look at it, I think it is one of the finest restorations I have

ever seen. Of course, that is a biassed opinion.... >>

I haven't seen it since it's been finished, but the gem needed little

polishing to really show well. Pop's little Coupe is the finest '29 I have

ever seen. I have seen several sharp ones, but none as complete and original.

If that is a bias, I share it!

One of the virtues I admire most about the Coupe is hard to put into

words. If I look at the car or even a clear photo of it and squint just a

little bit to narrow the shed from my view, I can see Pop's '29 on the

dealer's showroom floor back in January of 1929. The imagination fills in

little details like a tapestry on the wall behind the car and the polite

little bald salesman in spectacles, coat, tie and celluloid collar. The floor

is a rich tiled affair in the Mediterranean style. Did I mention the potted

palm just the other side of the right front fender?

There is a very fashionable lady gazing at the Hudson and chatting with

the salesman who is looking a triffle uncomfortable considering that his

prospect has walked in with two greyhounds on leashes and dogs being dogs,

might do something unpleasant before he can close the sale. The lady is about

30, tall, dressed in a belted black dress cut a bit longer than a flapper

might like, but still showing a nice pair of legs. Her hat . . .

Well, you get the idea. There IS something special about that Coupe and I

look forward to seeing it now that it is finished.

Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

Fullerton, California USA

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