Hudson Standard Blue

Attachments :
    I have two pictures of my Hudson Color. As it is

    impossible to move the car, both of these pictures are

    dark, but I hope that you can make out the details.

    The first one is the Hudson Standard Blue for 1926.

    If you look closely, you can see the Standard Blue on

    the bottom and the Standard Black on the top. Except

    for the dust, this is the original Hudson color Blue.

    The second picture is of the crankcase. Paul said

    that he has seen some crankcases that were painted and

    this is one of them. It is original and if you look

    at the oil level tower and along where the base of the

    crankcase meets the pan, you can see that it is black

    - the same as the head. The flash and the dust lit up

    the most of the crankcase so that it looks like it is

    natural aluminum, but it is and has lways been




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