Re: [HSS] 28 Essex Front Axel

paulohallarn wrote:

> Would anyone have or know where I can get a front axel with all brake

> parts? Mine is an early '28 and does not have front brakes. Any help

> would be appreciated. Also, I am looking for an ownership for my 1928

> Essex

> Thanks


Paul, do you mean your car has been stripped of it's brake parts, or

there is no provision for front brakes? The so-called "early 1928"

model was later revised as a late '27, and was actually in production

from July to October '27. In late November 1927 the first actual 1928

models were produced, these having vertical front shutters, revised

bodywork, and four wheel Bendix brakes. If your car has horizontal

shutters and two-wheel brakes, it is a 1927 model.

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