
A quote from the 1916 6-40 Manual. "The common fuel
sold as Gasoline is extremly low test and seems to be deteriorating in quality
each year.  As a fuel it leaves a great deal to be desired, but for obvious
reasons must be endured, either until a better grade is manufactured for
universal consumption or a new fuel is evolved."  Talks about using a good
grade of fuel and how the choke won't be needed as much.....engine will warm
faster. Then   "In order to be convinced every Hudson owner should try
a tank of  70 test  gasoline. He will soon be convinced that it is
well worth the extra cost."  They go on to recomend keeping the car warm
for winter use   Sounds like the quality of fuel was pretty bad. 
The manual even has section on how to drive.  Our 6-40 runs fine on regular
unleaded I guess I get about 14 miles to the gallon.  So fill'er up and
away we go. Happy motoring  Jerre

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