Steering wheel boss.

Hi all, I have just received three only
re-manufactured steering wheel boss's (the cone shaped piece that the actual
wheel screws in to).  These are made of solid aluminium, but have been sand
cast so have very slight surface pits, but polished up they look almost as good
as chrome, and are machined and threaded,  with the taper and keyway,
all ready to install.  They are for '28 & '29 Hudson Super Six, and
priced at $150 each.  The original die-cast boss is an accident waiting to
happen.  I also have on hand two only original steel cast column support
clamp brackets, to replace the die-cast '29 Hudson ones.  These are $25
each.  Or will be $50 each if you want them plated.

 All plus postage.   I am putting
this notice on here because I recently lost all my inbox data in the computer,
and I know some of you were waiting for these parts, so if you ae waiting for
these, please reply to this and I'll let you know the postage, and get them
away.   Best wishes to all,

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