1917 Super Six - maybe....


Hi all,


I have an opportunity to acquire a "1917" Super
Six.  Haven't seen the car yet so I don't know really know what's on


I can't even be sure that it is in fact 1917, as
he's quoting an engine number rather than the Car number.  My
research tells me that if it's a 1917 the Car no. should be in the ranges J-1
to J-96499 or 4J-75000 to 4J-97999.  I also understand that the car
number is found on the right side of the frame (chassis).  Whereabouts on
the frame should he be looking?  Can anyone provide dating
guidance based on the engine number?


No photos at this stage, but they're coming later
this week (I hope). 


Cheers...............Peter R.


PS - I'm probably one of the few people in the group who have actually
met our good friend Geoff Clark.  He's a great guy and, as we all know,
incredibly generous and patient with his knowledge and advice.   I
was looking forward to seeing him here again in Australia later this year, but
maybe that's on hold!  Perhaps another holiday in New Zealand is
indicated for yours truly.  Nonetheless, I know we all wish Geoff a
speedy recovery and a return to the Hudson world (even if it is at a slightly

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