1920 Super Six Water Pump Removal

Hi Guys,

Deron Shady here in Huntsville, Alabama. I have recently

joined the list because one of my customers just purchased a 1920

Hudson that was on eBay a few weeks ago. By looking through the old

posts it looks like he bought it from one of the list members but I'm

not sure. I'm writing because I need some onfo on the removal of the

water pump.

When he purchased the car it had a leaking rear packing nut and

I figured it probably would be a good idea to go ahead and remove the

pump, check it out and repack both packing nuts. Looking through

some photocopied manuals that came with the car, it apears that the

water pump cannot be removed without getting into the timing chain,

but the manuals were dated 1922 or 1924. This 1920 motor doesn't

appear to have the adjustable eccentric that is described in the

manual (to remove slack from the timing chain) so I assume that this

setup is a bit different.

My question to the list is can this pump be removed from the

engine without having to get into the timing cover? Any help would

be greatly appreciated!

Deron Shady
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