Re: [HSS] oil gauge/oil delivery problem, late 24 Super-Six coach

Phil, you must check that you have no air leaks in the pipe from the sump,

or conversely no blockage. The pump is pretty simple, and it could be that

the pressure regulating plunger is stuck up, or the spring broken. Have you

checked that the main actuating spring is not broken? This is a special

tapered spring. Make sure the top and bottom ball check valves are in

place. Good luck,

----- Original Message -----

From: "flivvert" <>

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 7:54 AM

Subject: [HSS] oil gauge/oil delivery problem, late '24 Super-Six coach

Following purchase in 1996, I used the restored coach sparingly, but

regularly, until the fall of 2000, when I stupidly ran the main gas

tank dry, lost the vacuum, and damaged the vacuum tank in an attempt

to reestablish the vacuum. This has, after a three-year search to

find the correct vacuum tank parts, been rectified, but now I have no

indication of oil delivery from the guage when I attempt to start the

car. Back when I was regularly using the car, the guage was often

somewhat reluctant to register, but always would after two or three

brief starting attempts; now, nothing. I've tried the pump-priming

thing, with no luck. I disconnected the piping to the guage, but no

oil was present. The sump is full and I've run the car very briefly

in my feeble attempts to sort out the problem, so I'm not concerned

at this point that I've harmed the engine, but I know I can't drive

it until I know the splasher pump is doing its job. Any thoughts or

suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Phil Teslow

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