White Wall tyres.

Just re-looking at this subject.  
Looking at Butlers "History of Hudson" shows the use of white-walls varies with
the years.   Photos of cars up to 1924 include some with all-white
tyres, some with wide white walls, and some with narrow white- walls,and
the last narrow white wall for a time being the 1924 Essex with the '23" high
pressure tyres.   Then there is a gap until 1932, with all cars showed
fitted with all black tyres.  Then some 1932 models are shown with
wide white-walls.  So perhaps white walls were available all the time and
just not fitted to Hudsons and Essexes.  Who knows?   The plot
thickens!   My personal preference for my '28 Essex and '29 Hudson,
which are both equipped with split rims on wood wheels, is for black tyres and
silver painted split rims. Compare the pics in the book between '28 and '29
models. '29's came out with black painted rims.  I think the '28
arrangement looked better.   My first '29 Hudson had 18" wire wheels
with chrome plated lock rings, which looked real nice.   Best wishes
to all for Christmas and New year,

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