Re: [HSS] Pictures of Hudsons ??????

Great idea Ron,

If you don't really know how to go about it you can

email them to me, along with a few lines of info, and

I will happily post them for you on my Hudson web site

- -

under the appropriate Hudson Owners link.

If you wish to post your car on my site, that is

also fine. Please identify yourself when you give us a

little info on the car.


Alex B

--- standardsedan29 <> wrote:
> Don't know about the rest of you, but I would sure

> like to see all on this board post some pics of

> there Hudsons.. I for one would have to email mine

> to someone to post..Come on people please post your

> Hudsons.Would love to see them no matter what

> condition they are in. Thanks Ron




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