Split split-rims

Hullo one and all, re SPLIT RIMS.  On two occasions recently fractures have appeared in the wheel rims of my 1928 HSS sedan. Although repairs have been carried out, I am reliably informed that metal fatigue means the problem will re-occur.

My local wire wheel specialist (Peter Richards of Richards Brothers, UK) tells me that he can get facsimilie split rims manufactured but they would not have the double ridge inside the rim ie. the rim would be flat on the inside.

This leads to my questions (and apologies if they seem naive) :  what is the purpose of the double ridge inside the rim?  In other words, is it worth getting new rims manufactured without the ridge?

On this topic, too, I seem to remember some discusion a year or so back, perhaps longer, on the feasibility of manufacturing new rime.  Did anything come of this?

Without having actually met any of the regular correspondents, I read your contributions with eagerness and always feel that in the Hudson group I am among friends, and very knowledgeable friends to boot.  Long may it continue,

Regards, Anthony O'Brien, South Wales, UK.

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