Update on split rims.

For those who have enquired about '27-'29 Hudson
split rims, here is an update on the progress.   There is a firm here
in N.Z. who make flat-base split rims, and the equipment to extrude these costs
in the region  of $800,000.  So the possibility of getting a machine
to extrude our own special internal-ridged rims is out of the question. Special
steel has to be obtained to make the split rims out of as well, so it is quite
an operation.  One of  our club members has experimented with a 
new flat base rim, and machined  the necessary tapered and staright
ridges, and Mig-welded them on.   This was fine until he tried to
collapse the rim to put a tyre  on, and found it was too stiff to
collapse.  So he is now in the process of trying different grade steel to
make the ridges, and is going to Tig-weld them on and see how it works.  I
will keep you  all posted on progress, and give you an estimate of price
when it becomes available. the new rims would have to have the locking
devices from your old rims welded on, or new ones made up.    Other
options are to change to a different style of wheel, such as well-based, but
this would involve modifying the hubs to be able to have bolt-on wheels, so
nothing is simple!  Watch this space.

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