Re: [HSS] Power to gas gauge ??

Check to make sure the sending unit has a very good ground
- this fixed mine. Also it should work with engine off but ignition in on

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 5:51

Subject: [HSS] Power to gas gauge

I still have the electrolock on my 29 Hudson. I have been
trying to get the new gas sending unit to work.The Hudson manual shows the
wiring for the electrolock as 4 sides one having nothing. The right side going
to coil (in my case the - side) and (HOT) when the key is on. The left side to
battery and the bottom to coil ( in my case the + side) and gas gauge NOT
HOT)) when key is on. I have replaced the wiring to the coil and it did run
when I parked it. The gas gauge never did work because the sending unit was
bad. The oil gauge did work but I seem to remember only trying it when it was
running. Question is does the car have to be running for the gas gauge to work
or do I have something wrong ? I am trying to see if it works before
installing it and the tank. Thanks Ron   

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