New Member, 24 Hudson for Sale

I received the following message from a fellow in the Bay Area about a 1924 Hudson Couch that he has for sale. He has indicated that the price is flexible. Mark's message:

I have a 1924 Hudson Super Six Coach (1st Series) I would like to sell. It is about condition 3, it runs nicely and is all correct but it needs paint, upholstery and some rewiring. I am hoping to get about $7,000 for it. As you might expect I have much more than that in it. I can e-mail you some photos later this week. I am a member of the Hudson club. Please let me know if you can think of anyone who may be interested in buying it. The car is in Orinda, California, near San Francisco. The car comes with a nice Hudson motometer, original owners manual and a shop manual.

My phone number at home is 925 253-1388. work is below. I would be happy to help with shipping and even split the cost. Fed-Ex (PassPort Transport) does a good job. My home e-mail is

Many Thanks and Happy Holidays,


Mark B. Maxson

Willis Re Inc.

One Bush St. 10th floor

San Francisco, CA 94104

Tel: (415) 955-0152



Paul O'Neil


1926 Hudson Anderson Coupe

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in here?)

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