2.500 miles by Super Six

Hi everybody, I'm home.  
We covered just about the entire South Island in the '29 Hudson 7 passenger
sedan.  2,500 miles over 2 weeks, used 1 litre each of oil and water.
Average cruising speed between 50 - 55 m.p.h.  Averaged 16.4 m.p.g. 
Just arrived home from Timaru today - 360 mile trip in 8-1/2 hours total
travelling time.  Real hot Nor/west head wind today, but no vapor locking
or indeed any trouble of any kind over the entire trip.   Tomorrow is
clean-up day, Chang oil, vacuum the interior, clean the mud and dust off chassis
and running gear, polish the lacquer and chrome.  We participated in
the V.C.C. rally, with 960 other cars, unfortunately very few H.E.T. 
-  one other '29 Hudson a '24 Essex tourer, two '30 E  sedans, 2 '30 H
8 sedans,  a 23 Essex roadster, two '38 T's (roadster and sedan), and a '33
T roadster.

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