Re: [HSS] 1929 Badge ?

The "Laurel leaf" bordered Hudson Super Six triangle logo was used in

advertising from 1916, but was only ever used as a radiator badge on the

1929 Hudson. All Hudsons had the White Triangle "Hudson Motor Car Co."

Badge until the 1927 year, which had a White "Hudson Super Six" with black

letters, then the '28's had a brown Triangle with white lettering, , and

1929 culminated with the laurel-leaf border Hudson Super Six badge, which

was nickle-plated, with a black triangle and white lettering.

----- Original Message -----

From: "standardsedan29" <>

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:53 AM

Subject: [HSS] 1929 Badge ?

> The 1929 Hudson has the fancy radiator badge witch I see on books etc.

> that have 1929 Hudson information. But then I look at things on ebay like

> the Waltham clocks and today I see a head light lens with the same on it

> but does not look like it belongs to a 1929 Hudson. I do not have that

> logo on the head light lenses on my 29 Hudson.So what I am asking, was

> this logo used before 1929 on items that went on Hudson cars or was it

> used exclusive on the 1929 Hudson ? Or maybe aftermarket or later then

> 1929 items used this logo ? Just wondering, Ron :)






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