Re: [HSS] Nothing to do with Hudsons, but....

Another time-waster, but worth a look.

This looks like a 1912 Miller (Standard Catalog etc., but only mentions a

30hp model..) and OK, I can see how he steered, but how did he change gears?

Cheers....... Peter R.
----- Original Message -----

From: "Peter Ransom" <>

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:57 PM

Subject: [HSS] Nothing to do with Hudsons, but....

>I also found this on Trade Me:




> My first job was with National Cash Register in Melbourne, Australia (and

> Geoff used to work for Burroughs, the dreaded opposition). From time to

> time we would take a truck load of old cash registers like this one and

> accounting machines, too, to the rubbish tip and smash them with sledge

> hammers so that they wouldn't ever come back in to the repair and

> maintenance cycle. This was compensating for over-engineered products

> that

> wouldn't die!


> Happy days.........Pete R.

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "Ken Dieckmann" <>

> To: <>

> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:35 AM

> Subject: Re: [HSS] 27 Hudson Sedan: Changing tires



>>I don't know how many of these are around, but I use a device that was

>> used in tire shops in the 80's and 90's to mount little tires on big

>> rims. It consists of a rubber "snake-like" bladder surrounded by a

>> canvas "tube" that inflates and tightens around the tire. I put it

>> around the rim and air it up. It compresses the rim enough to slip

>> the tire on with little effort. Since it wraps around the rim, it

>> contracts around the whole rim evenly, staying circular. I'm sure some

>> smaller tire shops (No Goodyear joints) would have one you can use.

>> You might have to look around a little.....

>> Ken In StL




>> --- In, "Geoff Clark"

>> <geoffclark@...> wrote:


>>> And you do need to be careful how they are used. I have seen many

>> rims turned egg-shaped through incorrect usage of these devices.

>>> Geoff.

>>> ----- Original Message -----

>>> From: Hudson29@...

>>> To:

>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:41 AM

>>> Subject: Re: [HSS] 27 Hudson Sedan: Changing tires




>>> In a message dated 4/10/06 4:33:27 PM, David@... writes:




>>> Here in New Zealand they are usually called a "split rim

>> spreader". I've seen them on eBay under that description.




>>> I have heard that term as well as "rim jack" used. I'd be very

>> surprised if one couldn't be found on ebay someplace.




>>> Paul O'Neil

>>> SoCal

>>> 1926 Hudson Anderson Coupe

>>> 1929 Hudson Town Sedan

>>> 1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in here?)






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