Essex Pics Wanted

I'm working on the program for the Western Regional meet now and just realized I have a hole in my material. I'm looking for some nice high Q scans of catalog photos of some important Essex models. These should be front 3/4 or side views and scanned at 300 ppi and saved as .png or .jpeg files. Particularly needed are:

1919 or 1920 Essex Touring

The first Essex Coach that was sold at the same price as the open models

1929 Essex Six, closed model, Coach or four door sedan

and, of course, the 1927 Essex Boattail

Please ping me off-list if you can provide these or other great Essex pics. The Essex story is too important to miss these high points.

Paul O'Neil


1926 Hudson Anderson Coupe

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in here?)

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