Re: [HSS] Wondering 29 ?

Ron, you will have to remove the play from the steering first. You must

disconnect the drag link to do this, to enable you to feel the movement

between the roller tooth and the worm. First of all check the adjustment

of the main shaft roller bearings. this is the screw on top of the stering

box. then check for side-play in the cross shaft. The adjustment for this

is the lock nut and screw on the inner side of the box. Then check for

minimal play of the drop arm in the straight-ahead position. this adjustment

is the large eccfentric on the outside of the box, and the three lock nuts

holding the housing. These adjustments are covered in the owners manual.

You must do them in this sequence, and you must check for no binding through

the entire range after each adjustment. Having eliminated the looseness

in the steering box you now have to check the drag link, and tie-rod ends,

which are all adjustable. If you still have wandering problems, check that

the tyres are not over-inflated (35 lbs). then try inserting a thin wedge

under the back of the springs where they sit on the axle, to tilt the axle

back slightly. Bear in mind that you will always have a slight amount of

"tramming" when you strike longitudinal joins in the road surface. Good


----- Original Message -----

From: "standardsedan29" <>

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:16 AM

Subject: [HSS] Wondering 29 ?

>I got the old girl off the jack stands today after (what was a) fix this,

>flush that, change that, reroute this Etc. Etc.Etc. Went on the road and

>she would only run "good" if I kept some choke on and not good without

>choke. I thought Oh Crap Carb. problems. I desided to run her up and just

>hold the carb to the floor and choke it to death. Did this a few times and

>She runs like a charm now after about another 20 miles. Must have been a

>small what ever in the carb. Now another question. (Hope not to many ???)

>LOL. The steering wonders at hight speeds (40 And over) and yes there is

>some small amount of play in the steering but after all these years I would

>guess so. Hell I am alot younger then she is and I have much more play.

>LOL. Anyways, I am going to take her to a front end shop tomorrow (Bear

>alignment shop for front ends only) to check her out. Anything I should let

>them know ? I am sure they are going to ask what do I want ? LOL Thanks,

>Ron (Again)







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