Re: [HSS] Rearend ?

Fill to the level of the plug in the rear cover. Your pinion seal is

leaking, you iwll have to take it out and fit a modern seal, or else pack

around the outer edge of the original felt to shrink it down a size. The

large nut and lock nut are for adjusting the pinion bearings. I have the

workshop manual for the '26 models, which are identical in this department,

but different in the brakes. Let me know if you want a copy.

----- Original Message -----

From: "standardsedan29" <>

To: <>

Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 8:29 AM

Subject: [HSS] Rearend ?

In the 1929 Hudson Instruction book it says to fill with oil up to the pipe

plug. Is this the pipe plug on the rear or the one that is in the front that

is a "L" with a pipe plug on the top ? This one seems like it would be to

much oil? I also have alot of oil getting thown from where the drive line

goes into the rearend while driving and leaking a little when parked. I see

what looks to be some type of a large ajustment nut in that area and not

sure what it does ? Is there any repair manuals out there that covers all

this stuff ? I see manuals but seem to go back to the 40s and maybe a little

30s. Also what weight gear oil ? Thanks Ron

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