Parts Database


There are a lot of HET club members, and others, who offer certain

replacement parts for our cars. I have been toying with the idea of

creating a database online to list certain parts that are available,

and who they are available from and their contact information or

e-mail link. Alex Burr's literature, Geoff's water pump packing and

other things, and my engine paint come to mind. Somewhere we need a

listing of who has what and how to get ahold of them. I will either

create it as a database on this site, or build a table somewhere on my

webserver. For right now I am concentrating on early Hudson and

Essex, as I am afraid if I announce this to the entire group by way of

the classicar forum, I will get overwhelmed with entries. If you

offer parts or other goodies and would like to be included please

e-mail me with what you offer, for what years, Hudson or Essex or

both, and whatever contact information you would like to include.

Best Regards

James Coats
This discussion has been closed.