
I took my carb off my 26 and it looks to me that it is very easy to

take apart (I took mine apart)and nothing to be worried about doing.I

saw nothing that needs to be very carefull about but as with any

part take note how things come apart and what direction they bolt

back on,very few parts on these carb's to worry about and nothing

like a new carb heck even your lawn mower carb has more parts to them

than these old way is to take step by step pictures to use

as a reference when you go to put it back togeather.I had a friend

that never works on car do this 7 years ago when he pulled his head

off a 2001 gmc with all that vac. lines and wiring and it worked out

great for him didn't have any trouble getting everything back in


just a reminder, while it a simple job be sure to keep it simple and

remember to take it slow and easy its not a race and you should havee

no worrys. just another thought where the needle comes throught the

top of the float bowl it is loose and open it looks to me like it

works as a vent and seems to me that if the gas was poring into the

bowl it would also be comming out the top of the bowl too right where

the needle comes through the top of the bowl.kind of a funny shut off

when the float bowel is filling the float comes up and pushes the

needle down un like moderen floatbowls when the fule fills up it

pushes the needle up also,this one on the hudson fills up and pushes

down on the needle. seem's to me it a very simlistic aproach to

engering and I like that its about all my brain can think of anymore
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