Part Castings & Steering column brackets


There are some members on this list that have had replacement parts

cast as-needed for certain things. I'd like to hear some input and

kick around the idea of having both the spare tire hold-down arms and

the crank hole covers cast. Those of you who have had parts

reproduced, what are your thoughts? I will buy at least three

hold-down arms and at least one (most likely two) crank hole covers.

On the flipside, I am currently having NEW STEERING COLUMN BRACKETS

manufactured out of billet aluminum. These will be cut out of billet

stock by water-jet and machined to resemble the originals. For mine,

I am probably going to make it so it can be installed without taking

the column apart, by doing something like splitting the entire lower

loop into two halves instead of just at the bottom edge. However I

will be able to supply them finished and un-cut so you can do

whatever. Let me get these out of the shop and I will post pictures.

Best Regards,

James Coats
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