Re: [HSS] Re: Mysterious Malady Moderated

In a message dated 11/27/06 6:52:54 PM, writes:

Paul, Geoff has a good idea here, set #1 on TDC of compression stroke

and adjust the tappet to .004", then roll the motor 1 revolution which

will be TDC of compression stroke on #6 (#6 will be firing), and the

#1 intake valve should open 7 degrees after the TDC mark, which is

exactly 2.295 flywheel teeth.

If it's off, it will be about 8 1/2 degrees off for each tooth of the

cam sprocket, so the valve will either open at about 2-1 flywheel

teeth BTDC or 5-6 teeth ATDC.

Yes, his suggestion is right on mark I'm afraid. The car no longer is a poor runner, but it is not happy. It has never had any power, even in lower gears. The Model T would beat it in a drag race no worries at all. I know it is nearly three times the weight of the T, but it should be faster than it is.

Finding TDC is going to be a real problem. The motor is a freshly Jack Smith) overhauled '26 sidevalve but I installed a '29 flywheel, clutch & gearbox. The timing marks were different and I very carefully scribed and painted new ones in the
wrong position. I timed it by ear. When Geoff was here he set it correctly and had the car running very sweetly. It still didn't have any power. What did you think of the power Geoff?

I agree that checking valve timing ought to be next, but I can't imagine how to do this without timing marks.

I swear, I think you've had a tappet adjustment come unscrewed.
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