1924 7-passenger sedan

Hello Hudson Lovers, I've recently purchased a 1924

in largely original conditon & it runs but the clutch

was stuck & after a soak in lacquer thinner & some

coercion it has freed itself up. Does anyone know how

much Hudsonite it takes to fill & too if I should keep

flushing clutch with solvent for cleaning purposes?

Are there any sources for parts or copies of

service/owners manuals? Well, I have more questions,

but if anyone could shed light on the above it would

be greatly appreciated! Sincerely yours--Jack Bishop

Montgomery, Pa. p.s. Would also like to know how much

motor oil it holds & if there's any sort of filter to

service. Oh, & the clutch return spring on mine's

broken...any of those about or substitutes thereof? thanks!


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