Important Brake Adjustment


For the past few months I have been fighting a problem of excessive

pedal effort required to stop my '29 Sedan. I have checked the drums

and shoes, adjusted the wheel adjusters, adjusted nearly all the

clearance out of the rods, repositioned the actuators, and everything

else you can think of, to no avail. I finally found the problem

today. Where the torque tubes pass through the framerails, there is a

steel plate, with three rollers that support the tube. The third

roller is adjustable. If this third roller is not adjusted so that it

is completely contacting the torque tube, then X percentage of brake

pedal effort will be expended walking the tube around inside the frame

holes rather than twisting the tube properly and applying torque to

the brake rods. You would not believe the difference this adjustment

makes in brake function, it now feels like power brakes. Next time

you're under your Hudson, check the adjustment of this third roller.

If it is backed out even the slightest, you're not getting 100%

braking efficiency.

Best Regards,

James Coats

Persistent Hudson Enthusiast
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