1927 Early F Head Engine Oil Pan Cleaning


I have removed the oil pan and emptied out the old oil and sludge

using thinnner. I have also removed the screen element and screen

bracket (not sure the correct term).

I have 12" inch wide gasket material, about a 1/16" thick but it's

only 12" inches wide and the overall width of the oil pan outside lip

to lip is approxiamtely 13".

1. Should I just go ahead and use the 12" wide material or do they

make wider gasket material?

2. Are there torque specifications for the oil pan gasket bolts. If

so, would someone please let me know what they are.

The thinner did not completely remove all of the slude in the bottom

of the oild pan which is mostly inaccessible. Any suggestions on how

to further clean the oil pan.

Thank you,

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