Re: [HSS] Help with 1917 SuperSix advice

Bill: If you are not a member of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club, send me
your snail mail address and I will send you a copy of our award-winning national
magazine, the White Triangle News. The latest issue has some great
period photos of 1917 Hudsons. Sam Jackson


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 5:03

Subject: [HSS] Help with 1917 SuperSix



I am back at it again. I had a 1929 Super Six about 15 years ago.
Recently aquired a Super Six 7 passenger open car. Now the intergalactic
search for parts begins. Along, of course, with advice from those of you far
more knowledgeable than I and who have blazed the trail before.


Right away I know is am missing four items.  1) The correct
speedometer and cables and drive gear.  2) A correct dash light ( just to
left of Speedo).  3) The air heater/silencer that my newly aquired
manuals describe that comes out of the manifold, crosses the top of the head
and then does a 90 degree return to the carb on the left side of the engine.
4) An assortment of grease fittings that seem to be liberally spread all over
the car. Am sure this will not be all. Just what I can preliminarily ID from
the pictures I have of the car.


All of the advice asking  will start when I actually get my hands on
the car, which is in shipment as I write this. I have joined the National and
Pacific North West chapters of the HET Club and am waiting to get my first
issue of the regional newsleter. If any of you have suggestions about
sources for parts and materials I am all ears/eyes. Just thought I would start
with the parts, since from past experience these things don't usually grow on
trees and it takes awhile to get up to speed.


Thanks to all in advance. It is nice to get back into an area I have
always enjoyed, the world of cars from the teens and early '20's.




Chip Wall

206 369 6639

Seattle, WA  USA

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