Attachments :
    Hi Ted

    I am sorry I did not send this earlier but after your reminder guilt set in

    and here it is. As Geoff says, nominal thickness is .085". The purpose of

    this thickness is to ensure alignment of the timing chain with all of its

    sprockets. I have specified 14 ga as this is the closest commonly

    available. 13 ga is closer but I think this is an oddball.

    After you get this made, carefull pry the camshaft out from the block about

    3/16". Any more and some cam followers will fall off the cams and you will

    have a major headache. Slide the forked piece I have drawn in from the

    opposite side from the dowel pin to ensure it fits over the camshaft

    journal. The dimensions I have given should give you about .010" clearance.

    Once you are sure it fits OK over the journal, slide it in from the correct

    side and drop the hole over the dowel pin. If it does not want to go file

    the dowel pin a bit shorter. Do NOT pull the camshaft out further.

    I have extra oil slingers and the necessary spacers if you cannot find any.

    I also have extra timing chain covers ( and a new felt seal) should you be

    doubtful about your modified cover. I have never had a problem with leakage

    with the original setup.

    Re: water pump and shaft. The screwed on arangement I described earlier

    takes up no space. It is simply a stainless steel shaft screwed onto the

    stub of the original. What you saw in the photos I sent is not a coupling,

    but the housing for a carbon/ceramic inner seal.

    Hope this helps.


    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "Karl Hamson" <karl@hamsonengineering.com>

    To: "Karl Home" <karlh@cablelan.net>

    Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:35 PM




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