Morse chain drive.

Attachments :

    Ted, here is the scanned page from the workshop
    manual.   To replace the chain you have to back the adjustment
    right off, remove the three centre bolts on the cam sprocket, and take off the
    sprocket.   The  sprocket will only go on the camshaft in one
    position as the bolts are offset.   To fit the new chain, first
    position the crnak so the punch marked teeth are at 6 o'clock, and the  cam
    sprocket punch marks are at 2 o'clock.  At this point No. 6 cylinder will
    be in the firing position, and No 1 valves will be rocking. On the Hudson there
    are 18 teeth between the punch marks, as explained earlier, Pin zero on the cam
    sprocket and pin 20 on the crank.  You have to locate the chain over
    the accessory and crank sprockets, and slip the cam sprocket into the chain and
    lift it on to the camshaft flange.    Good luck,

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