Re: [HSS] No Carb Vaccum

I would suspect that the tube that goes up through
the intake preheater has rusted through.  This is the bit between the carb
and the right angle piece that goes into the head.  The tube is surrounded
by exhaust gas and any leaks will cause you to have no carb suction


This is a common problem.  The fix is to
remove that part, have the old tube machined out and have a stainless
or brass one pressed in.


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 4:03

Subject: [HSS] No Carb Vaccum

My 1929 Super Six has set up for about 6 months. It will not start

unless I remove two spark plugs and put gas in the cylinder, Then it

will try to start. Sparking is good. There is almost no suction on
carb. I have taken the carb and the recirculation pipe off and
there is
still very little suction when I hold these two pipes and turn
the engine
over. I see an old repair of the exhause manifold but no
cracks seen now.
What is wrong and what do I do next.

Thanks, Harold

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