Re: [HSS] Troubleshooting the starter

Aaron, there are probably two things you need to do. The starter contacts

wrap around the insulated bushing on the shaft, and there is a tapered brass

plug on the end of the shaft that moves in between the contacts and makes

the circuit for the starter. The curved contacts may be worn, or burnt

through, and the tapered plug may also be worn, and so not making enough

contact. You need to remove the shaft, and the switch, and probably rebuild

them. the switch contacts can be made out of strip copper, cut and shaped

to fit. I actually cut a section out of a coper pipe and used the material

fromt his to form the new contacts. If the tapered contact plug is worn,

you can reduce the outside diameter of the insulating sleeve byt putting it

on a bolt and spinning it in a drill press or lather, and rubbing the

outside with emery cloth. To remove the shaft you need to remove the

clevis, undo the locating screw for the drive gear, and slide the whole

thing out rearwards. Not the easiest of tasks, compared to the Bendix drive

used on the Essex and later models.

Good luck,

----- Original Message -----

From: "bighudsonnut" <>

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 5:01 AM

Subject: [HSS] Troubleshooting the starter

> Everything is going well with getting my 29 Town Sedan back on the

> road. The engine is all back together, repaird accessory shaft in

> place.


> I am having an issue with the starter. Nothing happens when I push

> the starter pedal. When I bridge across from the battery connection

> to the starter post, it spins just fine. When I have my kid push

> the pedal and I bridge across, it will turn the engine over, but

> then when I remove the bridge, the pedal sticks, the engine keeps

> turning over and I have to go pull it off the floor. Here are my

> assumptions:


> 1. The post that bridges the contacts under the starter, is not

> making good contact (I did clean it).

> 2. When I bridge across with the pedal pushed down, it forces the

> current through the poor connection.

> 3. I am missing a spring/the spring is not strong enough to pull the

> pedal back to disengage the small drive gear.


> Any thoughts on how to make the starter work better? Should I

> squeeze the contacts together or coat them with something?


> Aaron




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