Hudson Nickel plate matte Finish

Hi everyone I guess I don't need to offer my transshipping services to

New Zealand. But I needed to have my wrist pins plated to bring them to

desired size and came across a local company that does plating, a

mixture of nickel & phosphorus, impregnated with polymers. Hardness

from Rockwell 50 -68. It can be "plated up to .010" I only needed .003.

While I was there he showed me a matte finish nickel plate they do.

Usually .0002" It is not a bright Nickel It has nice gold/yellow tones

too and can polish up nicely. I'll try too post a picture of the sample

he gave me. I was thinking of having my hubs and light rims done maybe

next after I recoever from this rebuild. He states that different

metals react differently and if you have a repair it will show through

if a differnet metal. They were not enthusatic about pot metal, at your

own risk. If you are interested contact me at

Thanks Jerre
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