Hudson Service Merchandiser's
Hi folks,
I collect Hudson Service Merchandiser's, you know those 6-8 page updates that Hudson sent to dealers. Does anyone have any they would like to sell. I like collecting Hudson literature so I am really interested in those and anything else Hudson.
Also I would like any back issues of WTN I am a new HET member so I only have 3 so far. I am compiling technical info for a site I am building. I saw the stuff Brad was selling but Bill beat me to them I think. Good price I was sad.
Thanks if you have any stuff email below and remove HET from front.
I collect Hudson Service Merchandiser's, you know those 6-8 page updates that Hudson sent to dealers. Does anyone have any they would like to sell. I like collecting Hudson literature so I am really interested in those and anything else Hudson.
Also I would like any back issues of WTN I am a new HET member so I only have 3 so far. I am compiling technical info for a site I am building. I saw the stuff Brad was selling but Bill beat me to them I think. Good price I was sad.
Thanks if you have any stuff email below and remove HET from front.
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