want info or pics of 1916 hudson touring ??

I' am looking at a 1916 hudson touring...I'am not real familiar with older hudsons,Its been stored a long time and needs some work but its all intact and original. The worst thing was the roof vinyl but the wood was good! Has the Super six..Does not run at this time...I'am trying to find out how hard parts are to get and if this is a worth while project? I'am a new recruit to your club so be easy on me ...I have searched for pic's online but have not found this exact creature. I have a few pic's and will try to get them visable if i can? It took me a week to get this message in(This message will probably end up with the pic's {on the moon in a deep crater})  Thanks for any info I can get....     mmarvin51               PS    the 51 is my current project of 36 years , chev 2 dr. hrdtop   (it was my first car) ( dated my wife in highschool in the 51) Don't
ask, I know what your thinking? Haaa  Do any of you have your first car AND your first wife? 

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