Steering Box.

#ygrps-yiv-896928093 #ygrps-yiv-896928093ygrp-mkp {
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#ygrps-yiv-896928093 #ygrps-yiv-896928093ygrp-mkp HR {
BORDER-RIGHT:#d8d8d8 1px solid;BORDER-TOP:#d8d8d8 1px solid;BORDER-LEFT:#d8d8d8 1px solid;BORDER-BOTTOM:#d8d8d8 1px solid;}
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#ygrps-yiv-896928093 #ygrps-yiv-896928093ygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-896928093ad {
#ygrps-yiv-896928093 #ygrps-yiv-896928093ygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-896928093ad A {

I have a friend  who is not computer literate,
who needs a L.H.D. Steering box, '27, 28, or '29. He is building from the ground
up. a Biddle & Smart  bodied 1929 Landau sedan, whch was used
originally for a Rural delivery car here in N.Z. hence the l.h.d. - the driver
could pop the letters in the boxes from the driver's seat.   He has
most things, except the steering box.  Does anyone have a spare that they
would be willing to send to New Zealand?



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