Fw: Your 1929 Automobile

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Moore

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 8:51 AM

Subject: Fw: Your 1929 Automobile

Hi,   Anyone interested in showing there 1929 cars?   It's
to far for me to go from MA. to CA.  Ed Moore   www.bellinghamautosales.com

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:13 PM

Subject: Your 1929 Automobile

Dear purveyor of fine


This email is being sent to you personally because you
own a 1929 automobile.


The Marin Sonoma Concours shall be displaying a special
class of 1929 automobiles.  We want to include your car.   We are
hopeful with your participation that we can represent many of the different
marques and models manufactured in 1929.  The
States had over 175 different automobile
manufacturing companies in 1929. If we add all the different models and
different coach builders, and foreign manufactured cars; maybe there were over
1,000 different models/coaches/marques.  This will be a wonderful chance to
see your car next to its brethren when it was new.


Please bring us your fantastic restored, un-restored,
driver, or tailored vehicle. 

If you have friends that have examples of 1929
automobiles please forward this email.


You can register your vehicle on our website at http://www.marinsonomaconcours.org

You may also contact me directly at michael@classactionlocator.com
or call me at (415) 925-1518.


With your participation we shall have a display that has
never been seen before. 


Thank you. 





P.O. Box

, CA  

(415) 925-1518





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