Western Canada HET Meet

FYI - The Western Canadian HET meet will be held in conjunction with

the 4th annual Temple City Cruisers Show & Shine in Cardston Alberta

on July 24th & 25th.

Cardston is 10 minutes north of the Babb, Montana border, close to the

Waterton National Park.

Temple City Cruisers (of which I'm the President)has a great show with

about 220 cars on the grass. We give away a car to one lucky draw

prize winner. Anyone out there who is within driving range, this is

your invitation. Check out our website at wwww.templecitycruisers.com

or email me (Steve)at walshsd@shaw.ca for more details. See you at the

national in Pontiac - i'm driving the 6126 miles!
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