1917 hudson resto questions

Hello group,

This morning I added three pictures to the photo file of our progress

on the 1917 we have been working on,and hope some of you can share

some thoughts on them,looks like it will be within the next two weeks

that I will paint the body and the hides are standing by for the

interior as soon as its painted.

First pic is of the hood pulls and hub caps and i need an idea of

value for the shipping insurance on them in case of loss,any help

here is much appreciated.

Second pic is of one of the inside door handles,all are bent to a

certain degree from use, but one is missing and the one in the

picture has a chunk out of the bakolite end,any help in pointing us

to atleast one ,two if possible,and what could a guy expect to pay

for something like this,also while I am on the subject of

handles ,there were plated bezels under two of the handles on the car

when it came apart,should there have been four?

Last but not least is the license plate clamp for the front

plate,this is designed to hold the plate on the rod between the

headlamps and I need one like the one pictured,nickel plating

optional of corse :~).

Any and all help on this stuff is much appreciated,thanks group.
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