Right-Hand-Drive Throttle Pedal and Floor Pan for 28

To my friends from RHD land (Geoff, Enrique, or ?)-

The national meet in Pontiac is coming up soon and I am feverishly trying to get my Argentinean '28 ready. I am currently getting the engine back together, and soon will need to get a floor and controls in it.

Problem is, these parts are missing, and I have no idea what the front floor pan and particularly the throttle pedal arrangement should look like. I have just located a floor pan/pedal assembly for a LHD car, and was wondering if any of the pedal linkage can be used in a RHD car, or is it all completely unique?

Do any of you have any photo reference of these RHD parts? I would need to see it from the top and bottom, if possible. If so, could you post them on the photos section of this site, or e-mail them directly to thjamman@yahoo.com? This would help me immensely.

Or, does anyone have these parts for sale? A fellow Hudson friend has need for the LHD parts, and I would prefer to keep mine RHD.

Thanks for your help, as always.

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