Pistons for 27 Hudson

Work continues on our '27 Coach. My husband and his son have taken the engine apart down to the cylinder block. They found a suspect spot of rust on it which proved to be a weak spot (casting flaw) which they had welded. When the block was returned they had a local fellow check the bores and he determined they needed to be bored out to .020 or .030 to correct them. This presents several questions in his mind. Will there be enough material to bore or will we end up with a weak spot in the casting. [The block is all original and has not previously been bored.] Where do we get new pistons. Five of the pistons currently in place are marked "E" and one is marked "D" !!?

Also, they need an "Adjusting Eccentric Body Wrench"[Part No. H-199]. Where can we find one of these?
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